DayTrade Margin is set by AMP Global. This is the amount required to enter into a position per contract on an intraday basis. These margins are in effect anytime the market is open, except the last 5 minutes of each trading session.
Learn moreTrading Hours
Note: All Markets Trading Hours are displayed as U.S. Central Time (Chicago).Disclaimer: The above information was drawn from sources believed to be reliable. Although it is believed that information provided is accurate, no guarantee is made.
Learn moreContract Specifications
The Futures Contract Specifications page provides a complete look at contract specs, as provided by the exchanges. Specifications are grouped by market category (Currencies, Energies, Financials, Grains, Indices, Meats, Metals and Softs).
Learn moreAvailable AMP Global Exchanges
AMP Global provides our customers access to all world& major Futures Exchanges.
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